google analyticsA presence on social media will attract an audience, build brand awareness, and connect with customers and prospects. Why should Google Analytics  matter to your social media marketing plan? With this performance tool, you’ll be able to discover which of your social media channels is driving the most traffic back to your website.

Social sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest provide their own analytics, which helps as you customize the content on your website to promote on these channels. By utilizing Google, you can take it to the next level. So how should you use Google Analytics to evaluate your audience?

No matter the size of the company, most businesses today are using social media to promote their brand and boost sales. It’s vital for social media marketers to comprehend just how powerful Google Analytics can be. It has the capability to track a wide array of data, including where your visitors come from and how often, and whether audience engagement takes place or not. It will also provide key information about your website activities.

Set up the business goals on Google Analytics so that you can establish which data is significant to your plan. To find out if you’re being effective with your social media marketing, concentrate on the Audience and Acquisition sections.
By focusing on these factors, you’ll be able to accurately determine and evaluate three essential components of marketing on social media:

Google Analytics•    Are you making efforts on the right social media platform?
•    Are your tone of voice and messaging effective?
•    Are the users you are targeting relevant?

When you take a look at the Audience section, you’ll see that it produces specific details about website visitors, such as age, gender, location, interests, browsers and mobile devices. Data will also be provided regarding how people were driven to your website and revealing your social media referral traffic.

To see how many people have actually arrived at your website, take a look at the Acquisition section in Google Analytics. This data will tell you which social platform plays the biggest role in driving traffic to your site and will uncover opportunities to adjust your current social media tactics.

Do you use Google Analytics in your social media marketing strategy?