When starting with a new platform, it’s easy to get caught up in the numbers. Many will try a variety of methods that end up hurting them in the long run. A high following count doesn’t mean much if it’s not engaging and genuine.  

Read on to learn of a few do’s and don’ts when it comes to growing a community. 


  • Buy Followers 

It sounds tempting, but those “followers” will do nothing for your content because there will be no engagement.  

  • Be Overly Promotional  

Not every post needs to be about making a sale. Engagement will come from other posts, which will later lead to sales. 

  • Be Offensive 

Remember this is not a personal account. Unless you’re promoting a crude card game, there is no need to be insulting on a post reflecting your brand.  

  • Ignore Comments 

These are your supporters and potential customers. Communicating with them allows for a chance for you to show you are genuine.  


  • Keep Up with Trends 

This is a great opportunity for engagement. Content with trending audios is more likely to be seen when using platforms like TikTok and Instagram. 

  • Comment on Your Posts 

Commenting back and forth with followers boosts engagement on your posts. You can even comment first on something you post to start the conversation. 

  • Take Advantage of Instagram Stories 

This feature on Instagram allows you to physically talk with your audience. It also has the chance for followers to directly ask you questions. Actively speaking with your followers is an important part of having a community. The more you engage with your followers, the more they will engage with you and your brand.  

  • Employ User-Generated Content  

Featuring UGC on your profile helps encourage others to share your brand on their own social media platforms. It also helps your feed become more authentic and real.  

Always remember quality vs. quantity: It’s better to have 100 active and engaged followers than to have 100,000 followers who will never like or comment on your content. The more users engage with your content, the higher likelihood you have of being seen by others. Creating an active community is certain to bring growth for your brand.