Raise your hand if you have been personally victimized by the TikTok algorithm.

We’ve all been there. With TikTok being the number one app right now, every creator and business wants to be on it. But sometimes it seems the TikTok algorithm actually hinders views.

We are here today to share a few tips for you to hack the TikTok algorithm and get your content seen this year.

Ditch the #fyp Hashtag

It’s time to let go of this hashtag. Everyone’s For You Page is tailored to them, so it does not make sense to use this generic hashtag when each page is unique. Try to use more hashtags that are specific to your niche and what your video is about.

Use Trending Audios

If you are starting to see a sound pop up a lot and you see the number of videos climbing daily, jump on it quickly. You want to use a sound when it’s newly popular before it’s oversaturated with millions of videos.

Engage in the Comments

A large part of the algorithm is engagement. To build up engagement on your video, make sure you are responding to comments. Try posting a question in your comments to get the interaction going or reply to a comment with a video.

Trending Hashtags

Like trending audios, there are hashtags that are getting a lot of traction. Go to the Discover tab to see what is trending. A fire icon next to a hashtag means that it’s popular. If you can connect this hashtag to your content, use it.

Short and Simple Captions

Yes, TikTok has increased their character limit to 2,200, but it’s still best to keep captions short. The app is meant for fast scrolling, so you’ll want to get straight to the point in your caption. Don’t forget to add a few relevant hashtags to it.

Be Consistent

TikTok loves a good niche. Choose what you want to be posting about and stick with it. This will put your content in front of the right audience, which will further your engagement.

Use a Pro Account to Track Analytics

Analytics will help you know what content is doing well and what is not getting as many views. This will help narrow down the type of videos to make. Analytics also give you an idea of what time to post because you can discover the most active times of your followers. Posting at these times will give you a higher chance of being seen by your audience and therefore boosting engagement.

Hook Your Viewer

Create videos that will grab your viewers’ attention instantly. If your video ends

with a loop so that it can be easily replayed, even better.

2023 is the year we take over on TikTok! For more tips, follow along with us. And if you have tips to share, please add them below.