What exactly is Slack? Slack is a cloud-based tool intended to be the center of workplace collaboration. Integrated with other products your organization uses, the goal is to simplify communication within your company, therefore increasing productivity and efficiency. Slack can also be seen as an email replacement, operating as a group messaging app by allowing individuals to communicate quickly and directly while forgoing the pains of composing emails.

Now that you understand what Slack is, we’ve listed for you a few of the immediate benefits that the tool can have on your company.

  1. Slackbot: Slackbot is a tool that allows individuals to receive regular reminders. Just type “/remind” in a channel, tell Slackbot what you’d like to be reminded of, and it will ping you when the time comes. It’s similar to asking Siri to remind you of something, but you’ll get a notification right in your Slack client.
  2. Audio and Video Calls: Another perk of the platform is the ability to video call with up to 15 people at once. This entirely free service is available to any individual within your business who has joined Slack.
  3. The Spacetime Bot: This Slack bot is extremely useful when working with individuals in other time zones. The Spacetime bot translates local times zones so you can help everyone get to meetings on time.
  4. Project Management: Slack could become your favorite project management tool. Using it to organize your team makes it a perfect supplement to your traditional project management system.
  5. Task List Management: Slack can integrate with Wunderlist and Todoist, for example, to let you add items to your task list right from a Slack channel. Or you can use the To-Do bot to keep your entire task list inside of Slack. With numerous ways to use Slack for task management, you just have to choose the one that works best for you.

Peruse the platform to discover many other ways Slack can be of benefit to your company. Ultimately, it’s an opportunity to enhance collaboration with your team and allow easier communication on all levels.