Influencers marketing is here and taking over. It’s one of the main ways to get your brand out there and in front of a new audience. Many brands have jumped on this opportunity, and more influencers than ever are willing to work with you.

The Five Influencers to Know About

One of the most important things to consider with influencer marketing is budget. How much are you willing to spend? The larger the following of the creator/influencer, the higher their fees.

Budget and follower count are why influencers are now organized by level.

We have broken down the five main types of influencers for you and indicated the expected budget. Since different platforms have different rates (YouTube has the highest anticipated charge while Twitter has the lowest), the price range can vary.

1.  Mega Influencers

More than 1 million followers


2. Macro Influencers

500,000-1 million followers


3. Mid-Tier Influencers

50,000-100,000 followers


4. Micro-Influencers

10,000-50,000 followers


5. Nano Influencer

1,000-10,000 followers


Before reaching out to an influencer, always look at their engagement rate. It might not be worth spending extra money for a mega influencer when they have a lower engagement rate than macro-influencers marketing.


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