Instagram Reels or TikTok?

Videos have taken over the social media world.

Post more videos – Post on TikTok –  Post on Reels. Reels is going to blow up more than TikTok. TikTok is better.

Social media coordinators, creators, and influencers have constantly heard these tips and contradictions over the past few years.

So, where do you post? Which platform is better?

Well . . . both.

Instagram Reels and TikTok are pretty similar when it comes to videos. However, they are still different apps, which means different audiences.

Some viewers have not downloaded TikTok, instead choosing to remain faithful to the Instagram environment. Others are engulfed in TikTok and go there for all their content needs.

But TikTok is growing more every day and gaining popularity. This is not an app you want to avoid.

You can use the same videos on both apps, so don’t feel you have to do double work. You’ll find many apps available to help convert your videos from TikTok to Reels. Saving as a live photo converts to video as well.

Pro Tips:

– Use trending audios/current trends to maximize your views.

– Keep an eye on Reels a few weeks after a TikTok trend to see if it has started gaining traction there. Reels tend to lag behind the trends.

– Shorter videos (under 30 seconds) tend to pique and hold a viewer’s attention the most.

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