11988220_10154245728572178_6213557137445949139_nHave you started using Facebook ads for your business? These ads are designed to provide an excellent opportunity for you to advertise to the millions of users out there. The Custom Audience feature is a powerful tool which allows you to select who of those millions your business ad will reach, including those you already know and which you would like to know. Best of all, it is affordable.

By uploading current email addresses into Facebook and then opting to only reach those names, you’ll be able to target a certain audience. Then, when a Facebook user logs in and their email address is a match to what you have entered into the system, your ad will show up in that user’s newsfeed.

To take it a step further, creating Lookalike Audiences allows you to expand that email list to reach more users who will have similar interests. When the current email list is uploaded, Facebook will analyze that list and then feed your ads to Facebook users matching a specific demographic.

GMS Expert Marie Curren states, “A challenge often faced by a marketing team is to find new clients and retain current clients. Using Facebook’s Custom Audience makes finding and retaining customers easier than you could imagine.”

So what are the best ways for your business to utilize the Custom Audience campaign feature?

  1. To enhance your email marketing, it’s vital to combine an email campaign with a Facebook Custom Audience campaign. This way, you’re reaching not only your current email list, you’re also creating a Lookalike Audience to receive the same message.
  1. Take an opportunity to remarket to those website visitors that may have loaded their shopping cart on your site but never finalized their transaction. Remarket to those shoppers by using the Facebook Custom Audience. This will encourage those visitors to head back to your website and finish their purchase.
  1. Your past customers may need a reminder about your product or service. As a business owner, you always want your customers to come back, and what better way to make them a repeat client than by providing a special offer just for them? When you load your email list into the Facebook Custom Audience tool, you’ll have control over who sees this offer and who does not.

For more information on how to get started with the Custom Audience feature, check out Facebook tutorials that include hints during every step.

Has your business taken advantage of Custom Audiences on Facebook yet? If so, tell us about it in our comments section below.