Monthly Archives: April 2023

Email Marketing Tips

Emails can be a great tool for pushing promotions and driving sales to your business. The challenge is to compel your reader to open it rather than allow it to get lost in the lonely abyss of unopened emails, a.k.a. the promotion or spam folder.

So how can you make sure an email serves its purpose?

Personalize Your Message

Users are more likely to open an email when there is a personal connection. A birthday email with a specific code just for that customer is an example of using personalization that will benefit both parties.

Optimize for Mobile

Most emails are opened on a […]

By |2023-03-30T08:40:12+00:00April 11th, 2023|GMS Blog|0 Comments

Should You Launch a Podcast?

It seems like every time you open up Instagram, someone is either launching a new podcast or was a guest speaker on one. Podcasts are continuing to grow in popularity and expand connectivity with your audience. You might be wondering if you should take the leap and launch a podcast yourself. We say yes. Need to know why?

Fun and Engaging Way to Drive Traffic

Podcasts can be a lot of fun to record, especially if you have a co-host or guest interacting with you. It provides another way for followers to engage with your content simply by listening in.

Additional Revenue

Advertisements are […]

By |2023-03-30T08:40:06+00:00April 2nd, 2023|Social Media|0 Comments
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